Dunfermline Public Park
Project Description
In 2012, our public park looked very sad and desolate and badly in need of refurbishment and maintenance. Dunfermline Community Council formed the Park Improvement group with Fife Council, who applied for lottery funding for a consultation report delivered by Greenspace Scotland. Using this report as a baseline, a number of works were considered, and a project plan drafted to deliver improvements via a spread of resources and funding. The objective was/is to transform the park into an attractive, high quality greenspace that is enjoyed by all. There were many areas to address, not least that not many even knew that the park existed, and confused it with Dunfermline’s better known Pittencrieff Park (aka The Glen). The Greenspace report was split into work packages and categorised into short, medium and long term deliverables. To maximise what was achievable, this was further split across potential funders such as heritage, environmental, art, and best fit found for the remaining ideas. Part of the initial consultation was to run an “event” in the park as a public engagement on what was being done. We promoted the park and its greenspace with a range of outdoor activities and sports, and the event had about 2000 visitors. From the initial project plan we now have “Fresh Air Festival 2015” in its third year as an offshoot of the project and crowd estimates stand at around 5000. At the event this year we want to highlight the improvements to the park and the work of the volunteers and park group as well as a great day in our important greenspace. The park now has a branding and identity all of its own. The old street names have been restored to the paths and the history of the park researched and promoted with new signage, some of it designed by our primary school children To date the following works have been delivered /underway to the park and woodland : Bandstand refurbished, Drainage cleared, Skatepark lights fixed, Wood Sculptures, Flower Planting, Facebook Page, Shelter demolished, Flag/flagpole replaced, Nature Trail Refurbished, FreshAir Festivals, Feature LED Lighting, Safety lighting, Branding, History, Pathway Signage, Station Entrance, Schools signs, HoH Art installation, wicker artwork, cycling routes. There are many supporting documents available for further reading on the park improvement project.