Inchyra Park
Project Description
The project started with the creation of a 100-tree community memorial orchard. The idea was to bring a sense of ownership to the community. We have transformed 4000 sq metres of unused land into a wildflower meadow and regenerated our swing park all through volunteers from schools and the community.
Our overarching priority was to realise the park’s history as central Scotland’s WW2 airport and create a physical and social environment to sustain this through community ownership, volunteering and social events such as Easter egg hunts, pumpkin events, bike SAFARIS, planting events and wildflower sowing (active earth). With this aim we created a heritage area on an unearthed site of the original runway, and we added bespoke heritage seating, a cycle stand, picnic benches and raised beds with original airport photos and educational interpretation boards.
We also commissioned a spitfire mural for the area by the artist Donna Forrester. Beside the Heritage area we installed the district’s first outdoor gym which was complimented by three heritage run/walk/cycle trails (which take in the park’s full path network) that begin and end at the same area. This along with adding a defibrillator, free WIFI and top-up tap provided the best infrastructure for the gym which is free for the community to use! The gym which overlooks the swing park was for the age group 14 plus so we added a trim adventure trail for 6-16 year olds to expand the offering for health and wellbeing!
Along the trails, there have been 17 raised beds added in total which are used as a mix of herb gardens, fruit planters, vegetable growing and sensory plants which the community maintain and enjoy. We have tried to also be as environmentally active as possible, adding a further 100 mature trees aimed at fruit availability for wildlife, and given the park has no natural water source we added wildlife watering holes to sustain the wildlife growth in the park!
On top of this, we have regenerated the outside of the pavilion in the park, added 14 benches, a community notice board, a traditional play area, CCTV, car park regeneration with disabled parking and in partnership extended the parks path network, unlocking potential for future accessible development! We have also added a volunteers’ working space in the park which is a shipping container which was given a makeover by Donna Forrester (artist) to complement the physical outlook of the area!
Supporting Statement
This project which is in one of Scotland's most deprived areas is a community project by the community for the community. When this began nobody expected the results which are evident today and this is down to volunteers, partnership working, grant funders and sponsors who all deserve the recognition. We see a sense of civic pride and belief in self-determination which was not there before. This was evident most recently with up to 3000 people joining our free Easter event which through sponsorship allowed us to give away 1000 eggs and saw 40 volunteers from multiple community groups and the community council come together for the betterment of our community.We have seen anti-social behaviour drop dramatically, but outside this, the park is checked daily by the sub-group "the dog mothers"! Litter is picked regularly and teenagers have introduced dog poo bag holders from recycled plastic bottles to the park to offer free poo bags in case of an emergency to aid in keeping the park clean! The food produced by the planters is not only used by the community but has also been donated to local food pantries!
We have always felt the park's historical importance was ignored due to its geographic location. Through community leadership and desire, against all odds we have not only created an example of how a community can help itself but also realised the potential of one of Scotland's most important historical sites, which will act as a local historical educational source for years to come! This project has brought together every part of our community and enhanced partnership working, whether it be buisness, local authority, community groups, charities, etc. The social investment has been massive with 1000s of volunteer hours complimented by £300k raised and delivered has brought us the park we see today!