Johnstone Town Hall


Building owner/client:

Renfrewshire Council

Architect or lead designer:

RC Property Services/Holmes Miller

Local Authority Area:


Nominating Body:

Johnstone Business Consortium

Project Description

Johnstone was in dire need of a New Town Hall that would be the centre piece and jewel of Johnstone’s Crown as the previous Town Hall was no longer fit for purpose for the 21st Century and beyond. In creating our New Town Hall Renfrewshire Council has provided the Town of Johnstone with a structure that can be utilised in a number of different ways – as well as having the offerings of the Library, Police, Social Work, Marriage Suites, Housing and Advice Works, MacMillan Cancer Support – we also have space which can be utilised for things such as Conferences, Wedding Fayres, Cinema etc. – all of which have the potential to bring a greater number of people who don’t live or work in Johnstone, to have a reason to visit our Town; spend money; maybe explore all the great features which make Johnstone an interesting place to come to. This will help in the rejuvenation of Johnstone which was started with the building of this magnificent facility. From the outset the Council have discussed, presented, altered the plans of building what we now have for as wide as possible, an audience to enjoy. It hasn’t been an easy journey for there are some who do not like change, others who will not like what the proposals have become, but we as community groups; businesses, have all come together to discuss and be involved with this project. Local people have been involved in this from the offset, through the building of the New Town Hall and finally, to the completion of it, and now local people get to enjoy facilities which though different from what we had before, have brought us into the 21st century with a bang. We have a building to be proud of, but still remembers the heritage of Johnstone with little nuggets of information distributed throughout the building for all to see, learn from and enjoy.

Supporting Statement

Johnstone Business Consortium (JBC) nominated this project because part of our core aim is the following: encourage more customers into Johnstone to make use of our shops, businesses and facilities; play a leading role in helping to influence the Council’s decision making process; proactively organising a programme of events throughout the year encouraging people to visit, shop and enjoy So Renfrewshire Council’s plan to rejuvenate Johnstone as a Town through this ambitious project was something what we as a Consortium could see the potential of for the Town. We hoped that in addition to the Council making capital investment in Johnstone, business owners; home owners; visitors would become more involved with Johnstone and make it somewhere they could see as belonging to and connecting with, and in the case of visitors, coming back time and again to enjoy. Not only has Johnstone benefitted from having the New Town Hall - further works to enhance the surrounding areas of Ludovic Square have been undertaken so that both complement one another and this means that anyone who is getting married in the Marriage Suites doesn’t have to travel to have beautiful wedding pictures taken in a lovely park etc. we have that now with Ludovic Square being given a wonderful make over too as can be seen in picture 12 of the attached photos. With all the hard work and effort that Renfrewshire Council have put in we wanted to be able to show our thanks by nominating those at the Council who have made this happen for it has truly been a collaboration of minds, bodies and spirits between the local community, businesses and Renfrewshire Council to achieve this magnificent building and everything it stands for and will provide in the coming days, weeks, months and years.