Ochiltree Community Hub
Project Description
The Ochiltree Community Hub’s Vision in 2014 was the establishment of a new community facility that will be a well-used, high profile, multipurpose and connected community hub promoting and improving Health and Wellbeing, Education, Community Cohesion and Togetherness.
The fifteen Trustee’s (Ochiltree Community Council area residents) journey from October 2014 included a full residents survey which was delivered and collected from each house in the area, this survey achieved a 44% return with over 90% of returns asking for a new or refurbished facility owned by the community. Involving the community in several consultations regarding the new build plans, raising £1,831m for the build and fit out.
Choosing and awarding contracts to the Design Team (architect, cost consultant, MEPH consultant) and contractor, was conducted through Public Contracts Scotland to ensure to ensure a transparent and fair process.
Build of the new Hub commenced in July 2018 and was completed on the 28th June 2019.
The Trustees planned an open weekend over the 29th and 30th June 2019 for the community to view and give comment on their new facility, it was so important that the first people through the doors were the new owners, the weekend was a major success.
The Hub officially opened on the 22nd July and is surpassing the Trustees ambitions and vision.
The new Hub’s EPC certificate confirms a rating of B 26 very good, the previous centre was G 159 very poor, the Hub also has invested in an electric vehicle charging point, the nearest being 4 miles distant
Supporting Statement
The Ochiltree Community Hub Executive Group are nominating the Hub in recognition of the last six years work by the Trustees and volunteers and how this Hub has become the catalyst in regenerating our communities interest in their people and surroundings.The summary description of the project above gives a flavour of the work completed before opening, the actual use of the Hub since opening has justified the trust given by the community to the Trustees.
* The Hub has now 73 registered volunteers
* Between 22nd July and 31st December 2019 the Hub has run 23 events
* " " " " " " has had 178 room hires
* The initial business plan set in 2016 planned an annual cafe turnover of £21k, annualising YTD 31st December 2019 actual turnover would produce an annual figure of between £60/£70k
The communities support in using the cafe and letting space for birthday parties, yoga, pilates, stretch classes, football, table tennis, indoor bowls, training and meetings has given the Trustees a confidence of achieving their mission to “Establish the Ochiltree Community Hub – The Heart of the Rural Community as a Viable and Sustainable Facility providing an increased range of services to benefit the community"