The My Place Awards celebrate community-led built environment projects that have transformed their locality. Learn more about the 2017 entries below!
My Place Awards: 2017

“A Tale of Two Wells - linked by a masonic coin” - Restoration of “The Jubilee Well”, Torphichen, West Lothian.
West Lothian Council
West Lothian
Torphichen is perhaps best known for its famous Preceptory related to the Knights Hospitallers of St John. However, with Torphichen Community Council re-stablishing itself in 2014 and through a “Village Improvements Fund” (VIF) provided by West Lothian Council (WLC) for villagers to decide what local environmental priorities they wished to direct this fund towards, the ...

“A Tale of Two Wells, a one handed sculptor and a dog” - The Restoration of “The Cross Well”, Linlithgow
West Lothian Council
West Lothian
The original Cross Well, at the centre of Linlithgow and at the front of the Burgh Halls on the High Street, was a dipping well and the town water supply and erected c1535, but was then rebuilt in 1628 by John Ritchie of Edinburgh. The structure was damaged during the occupation of Linlithgow by Cromwell’s ...

Avoch Community Garden
Avoch and Killen Community Council
For many years the site of the former petrol station close to the attractive harbour area in Avoch had remained unused and had become an eyesore, attracting fly-tipping, weeds etc. Following discussions between Mike Armitage, Vice–Chair of Avoch and Killen Community Council and the owners of the site, Pencon Productions Ltd, they agreed to let ...

Boulder Path Garden and Bathgate Road Verges Improvement Project
Community Action Blackburn / West Lothian Council & WESLO Housing
West Lothian
Community Consultation undertaken by Community Action Blackburn in 2014 identified several areas within the community that would benefit from environmental improvement, one of these areas being the verges on the east side of Bathgate Road running between the Mill Centre and the pathway adjacent to the lockups leading into Beechwood Road. This stretch of area ...

Connecting Communities Along the Carron
19.8 miles of River and the 16 Communities which run along it
Connecting Communities Along the River Carron Communities Along the Carron Association was formed in 2010 following a 9 month consultation with over 3000 people in the 16 communities along the River Carron. We spoke to them about their concerns and aspirations for the river and adjacent communities and recorded their comments, wrote a 31 point ...
Cove Burgh Hall
Argyll & Bute
COVE Burgh Hall is run by the community, for the community and is very much a social centre for the people of Cove and Kilcreggan. The Hall is owned by “Cove Burgh Hall”, a charitable company set up by the community in 2001 to buy the Hall from Argyll and Bute Council. The company’s objectives ...

Dunaverty Hall
Dunaverty Hall Committee & Trustees
Argyll & Bute
In 1998, Dunaverty Hall committee were faced with having to address a number of problems with the upkeep and maintenance of the original hall which had been built in 1913 as a TA Drill Hall. The fact also that the building no longer conformed to British standards and had become unstable and dangerous also had ...

Maid of the Loch, Loch Lomond’s Paddle Steamer
Loch Lomond Steamship Company
West Dunbartonshire
Maid of the Loch is a UK registered historic vessel, and has been owned since 1996 by a registered charity. In 1996 the ship had been vandalised and in danger of sinking, but the charity’s aim has been to return her to steam operation on Loch Lomond once again. The charity is run totally by ...

Mural at Gifford Park, Edinburgh
The Southside Association
Despite being a well-used route by pedestrians and cyclists, the area was neglected and ugly, with a very large number of waste and trade bins, and was regularly disfigured by fly-tipping of mattresses and other large waste, and the walls on either side were dirty and covered with graffiti. When the City of Edinburgh Council ...

Old Torry Community Centre
Aberdeen City Council
The Old Torry Community Centre is eighty years old and the submission is made this year given a full refurbishment of the main floor to address structural defects and wood rot in several locations that meant the Centre could only support lightweight activities.