The My Place Awards celebrate community-led built environment projects that have transformed their locality. Learn more about the 2020 entries below!
2020 winners were honoured at an online ceremony on 8th October 2020. Watch short films about the commended and winning projects.You can also view a leaflet with details about all of the projects.
My Place Awards: 2020

Kirkcaldy Old Kirk
Kirkcaldy Old Kirk Trust
Kirkcaldy Old Kirk is the “B” listed former Parish Church in the heart of the town. Its iconic square medieval tower has loomed over the buildings of Kirk Wynd since the 15th century and its oversight of the town’s affairs on the harbour and High Street is commemorated in one of the fine stained glass ...

Milngavie and Bearsden Men's Shed
Milngavie and Bearsden Men's Shed
East Dunbartonshire
What we now call the Pagoda Building was originally designed and built as a tennis pavilion in King George V Park in Bearsden and it is a child of the 1970’s. The original architect is unknown, but it is literally a four-square solid structure that has incredibly survived 25 years of dereliction after tennis fell ...

Ochiltree Community Hub
Ochiltree Community Hub
East Ayrshire
The Ochiltree Community Hub’s Vision in 2014 was the establishment of a new community facility that will be a well-used, high profile, multipurpose and connected community hub promoting and improving Health and Wellbeing, Education, Community Cohesion and Togetherness. The fifteen Trustee’s (Ochiltree Community Council area residents) journey from October 2014 included a full residents survey which ...

Pierhead Play Park, North Queensferry, Fife
Fife Council
Early in 2018, a survey was carried out on the play park equipment and the swings were deemed unsafe and subsequently removed. With no funding or budget, the play park was falling into neglect, with a strong possibility that further items of equipment would be removed. Ultimately, the park would no longer be attractive and eventually ...

Tolbooth Lanark Rejuvenation
Tolbooth Lanark
South Lanarkshire
In 1992 various groups in Lanark, in conjunction with the local council, arranged to purchase the derelict part of the Tolbooth building, and with dedicated volunteers, essential maintenance work and refurbishment was carried out. The building’s future was placed in the care of a Trust charged to prevent further deterioration and developing it as a ...

West Highland Way
Milngavie BID
East Dunbartonshire
The first officially designated long-distance path in Scotland, the West Highland Way runs for 96 miles (154 km), from the town of Milngavie in East Dumbartonshire to Fort William in the Scottish Highlands. Throughout the year, walkers from around the world converge on Milngavie to embark on the Way, but until now a tarmac ramp and ...